To read this file, choose the Word Wrap command from the Edit menu. Microsoft Works for Windows, Multimedia Edition Version 3.0 ----------------------------------------------------------- This document contains information on the following: 1. Improving system performance. 2. Using Microsoft Works, Multimedia Edition with Microsoft Encarta. 3. Using templates from a previous version of Microsoft Works. 4. Troubleshooting sound problems. 5. "Invalid SHARE parameters" message when opening or saving files. 6. Transferring files to the Macintosh. 7. Using Microsoft Works, Multimedia Edition with ATI video cards 8. Installing Microsoft Works from a network CD-ROM drive. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Improving system performance. Microsoft Works for Windows, Multimedia Edition uses a lot of your system's memory and speed to display the animated movies and the Online Reference. The minimum memory requirement is 4 Megabytes (MB). You can improve your system's performance by: A) Adding more extended memory to your system. B) Running Works without the SmartDrive device driver that Microsoft Windows may have installed on your system. (To disable SmartDrive remove the DEVICE=SMARTDRV.SYS line from your CONFIG.SYS. For more information see your Windows documentation.) C) Setting up a permanent SwapFile on your hard drive (if you are using a computer with a 386 processor). NOTE: Normally Windows creates its own temporary SwapFile, but if your hard disk is full or fragmented, this temporary file occasionally becomes unavailable. Make the permanent SwapFile at least 2048 Kilobytes (K). For more information see your Windows documentation. D) Using a 16-color driver for your display, even if you have a 256-color card, when running on a 20 MHz or slower system with only 4 MB of RAM. (To change the display driver, run the Microsoft Windows Setup program from MS-DOS or Windows and select the standard VGA driver.) E) For best performance of the multimedia elements, it is recommended that you set your color card driver to display no more than 256 colors. F) Defragment, or "clean up," your hard disk by running a disk defragmentation program. Third-party utility and disk optimization programs often provide a defragmenting program. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Using Microsoft Works, Multimedia Edition with Microsoft Encarta. When you install Encarta, it is essential that you choose the Faster option. (This option appears when you run Encarta Setup) . If Encarta was installed on your system when you bought it, then your hardware manufacturer should have already used the Fast install option. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Using templates from a previous version of Microsoft Works. Microsoft Works for Windows version 2.0 and Microsoft Works for MS-DOS version 2.0 or 3.0 templates can be opened in Microsoft Works for Windows version 3.0. The template files for these previous versions of Works have special names. By specifying the special name in the File Open dialog box, you can open templates from one of these previous versions of Works in Works for Windows 3.0. The filenames for previous versions of Works are as follows: Works for Windows 2.0 or Works for MS-DOS 3.0 Works for MS-DOS 2.0 -------------------- ---------------------------- TEMPLATE.1 TEMPLATE.WPS TEMPLATE.2 TEMPLATE.WKS . TEMPLATE.WDB . TEMPLATE.999 Look for these files in the Works program directory. (The subdirectory where you installed the previous version of Works.) If you do not know which directory this is, try looking in the \MSWORKS subdirectory if your previous version was Works for Windows 2.0, or try \WORKS if your previous version was Works for MS-DOS version 2.0 or 3.0. One at a time, open these files in Works for Windows 3.0. Then choose the Save As command from the File menu to create a Works for Windows 3.0 template. For information on saving a template in Works for Windows 3.0, see the Online Reference. After you have created Works for Windows 3.0 templates from the previous version's files, you may want to delete the old files. You will not be losing data, because Works for Windows 3.0 makes a new copy of the file when it creates each template. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Troubleshooting sound problems. If you don't hear any sound when you play animated movies from the Works Online Reference or tutorial, you'll want to make sure that you have a sound card installed, a speaker hooked up, and the volume set at a comfortable level. You can perform a sound check by selecting the Sound option from the Windows Control Panel. If you're not getting any sound from your system, make sure that your speaker or headphones are plugged into the sound jack on your sound card, and not into the sound jack you may have on the front of your CD-ROM drive. If you're running Works on a 386 computer with only 4 MB of memory and are encountering out of memory errors, or if the audio is broken up and animations are slow, you should check to see if you're running in Standard mode Windows. Choose About Program Manager from the Program Manager Help menu to see which mode you're running in. If you're in Standard mode, make sure that you're starting Windows by typing WIN at the MS-DOS prompt. If Windows defaults to Standard rather than Enhanced mode on a 386 computer, this is probably because you don't have enough memory free. Try removing SmartDrive from your CONFIG.SYS file, if it's installed, or cutting down the size of any RAM drive you may have set up. (See your Windows documentation.) When running in Enhanced mode on a 4-MB 386 computer, you may still encounter memory problems or sound breaks. Make sure that when you start Windows you have a permanent SwapFile of at least 2048 K. (See your Windows documentation.) Sound breaks on any computer that is using a 256-color card are usually the result of a low memory situation and can usually be fixed by switching back to a 16-color video driver; this means Works will need to devote less memory to display the graphics and can use the freed-up memory to keep the sound and animation flowing smoothly. If you wish to leave the Works tutorial temporarily to run another application that plays sound, quit the tutorial first. Otherwise the other application may not be able to play any sound. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. "Invalid SHARE parameters" message when opening or saving files. After installing Microsoft Works 3.0, it is sometimes necessary to turn off your computer and then turn it on again, so that special configuration changes can take effect. If you did not do this after installing Works, and you are getting the error message "Too many files open, or invalid SHARE parameters," then try turning off your computer and restarting it. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Transferring files to the Macintosh. Microsoft Works for Windows can save files in Microsoft Works for Macintosh version 3.0 format. When doing this, you must have software installed on your Macintosh that understands a MS-DOS or Windows floppy disk. Macintosh PC Exchange sold by Apple Computer, Inc. is one of the software products that can be used for this purpose. If you are using Macintosh PC Exchange, files saved in Works for Macintosh format by Works for Windows must have document types assigned to them. Otherwise Works for Macintosh will not recognize the file. For instructions on how to assign document types, see the Macintosh PC Exchange User's Guide. Below are the document types you need to assign so that Works for Macintosh can read files saved by Works for Windows. Document Types: Works for Windows uses a filename extension, or suffix, for files that are saved in Works for Macintosh format. Depending on the kind of document, when you save a Works for Windows file in Works for Macintosh format, the filename extension will be: .WPS for a Word Processor document .WKS for a Spreadsheet .WDB for a Database Follow the directions in the Macintosh PC Exchange User's Guide to assign the MS-DOS filename extension, or MS-DOS suffix, as follows: MS-DOS Suffix Works for Macintosh document type ---------- --------------------------------- .WPS AWWP .WKS AWSS .WDB AWDB ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Using Microsoft Works, Multimedia Edition with ATI video cards If you are using an ATI video card and one of the "mach" video drivers (mach8 or mach32) as your Windows display driver*, the Device Bitmaps setting for the video card must be set to Off. This enables the animations in Works to run properly. To check or change this setting, do the following: 1. Launch the Mach FlexDesk Control Panel by double-clicking on the Mach FlexDesk Control Panel icon usually found in the Mach Utilities program group in Program Manager. The Mach Utilities group is created when you run the ATI Mach Video Driver Setup Program. 2. Click the Advanced button. 3. If it is not already, set Device Bitmaps to Off. 4. Click OK to close the FlexDesk Advanced Settings. 5. Click OK to close the FlexDesk Control Panel. You will need to restart Windows for the changes to take effect. *You can verify the Windows Display driver selection by double-clicking the Windows Setup icon found in the Main program group of the Windows Program Manager. For information about ATI video cards or the ATI installation utility referred to above, contact ATI Technical Support at (905) 882-2626 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Installing Microsoft Works from a network CD-ROM drive This topic explains how to install Microsoft Works on individual computers from a network server. It also explains how, while using Works on an individual computer, you can access the Works Online Reference and tutorials from a network server. Before installing Works on individual computers on the network, the network administrator must install a CD-ROM drive on the network file server as a shared drive. Then, after Works is installed on an individual computer, you can use Works, even if your computer is not connected to the network. However, when you install Works from a network CD-ROM drive, the Online Reference and tutorials are not installed. They reside on the Works CD. To access the Online Reference or tutorials, a computer must be connected to the network CD-ROM drive. NOTE: Every Works user must have a Microsoft Works for Windows license. A license is obtained by buying a retail package or a Microsoft License Pak. For more information about network use restrictions, see your Microsoft Works for Windows license agreement. To install Works from a network CD-ROM drive 1. Be sure that the Works compact disk is in the network CD-ROM drive and that the drive is available (shared) to the computers on the network. 2. From the computer on which you want to install Works, connect to the network CD-ROM drive. 3. If necessary, start Windows. 4. If necessary, switch to Program Manager. 5. From the File menu, choose Run. 6. In the Command Line box, type the drive letter of the network CD-ROM drive, followed by \setup For example, type n:\setup if N is the network CD-ROM drive. The Works Setup program starts. 7. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the setup. 8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 for each computer on which Works is being installed. To use the Online Reference and tutorial while using Works on a network 1. Be sure that the Works compact disk is in the network CD-ROM drive and that the drive is available (shared) to the computers on the network. 2. From the computer on which you want to install Works, connect to the network CD drive, using the same drive letter that was used to install Works. For example, use n:\ if N was the network CD-ROM drive that was used to install Works. NOTE: If you use a different drive letter, you must change the drive letter in three files that Works modified during installation, as described in the following table. In this file In this section Change N in this line ------------ --------------- --------------------- WIN.INI [MM Works] Path=N:\ VIEWER.INI [Files] MSWORKS.MVB=N:\ MSWORKS.INI [MM Works] HelpFilePath=N:\ 3. If you changed the drive letter as described in the Note following step 2, restart Windows. 4. If necessary, start Works. 5. To display the Online Reference, choose Contents from the Help menu. - Or - To start the Works tutorial, choose Tutorial from the Help menu.